Can you check my COBie? Part 2: BIM Police

In my previous article, we discussed if COBie should be delivered in the STEP Physical File format or a spreadsheet format. In this article, we will look into the checking process that occurs on a number of projects, where multiple Information Managers act as the BIM Police. Before jumping into the article, I would like to … Read more

Can you check my COBie? Part 3: Sure!

In the previous two articles, we discussed if COBie should be delivered in STEP Physical File format or a spreadsheet format. Then we discussed the role of the “BIM Police” and tried to quantify the existing checking process which ended up looking something like this: Before we jump into the solution to this odd problem let’s get some … Read more

COBie Exam – What, Where and How?

Have you ever considered COBie accreditation? If you did you must have been left in limbo. What is it, where is it and how can you take the exam? These are simple questions that should have a straightforward answer, yet buildingSMART managed to make them overly complex (at least for the COBie Foundation). Let’s start … Read more

IFC, MVD, IDS – What’s it all about?

So I’ve been trying to understand IFC for a while and the further I go it seems like a never ending rabbit hole. As part of the information management process, understanding the terms like IFC, MVD or IDS is quite important especially when we talk about structured information exchange. IFC – Industry Foundation Classes Let’s … Read more