Can you check my COBie? Part 3: Sure!

In the previous two articles, we discussed if COBie should be delivered in STEP Physical File format or a spreadsheet format. Then we discussed the role of the “BIM Police” and tried to quantify the existing checking process which ended up looking something like this:

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Before we jump into the solution to this odd problem let’s get some things clear. COBie checks consist of two parts:

  • Verification
  • Validation

So far all figures presented accounted only for the COBie verification. When we say verification it actually means that COBie spreadsheets conform to the rules defined in NBIMs version 3, Chapter 4.2. This check can be, and is, automated in many applications that implement COBie including COBie QC Reporter, which we discussed in short in part 1.

Validation on the other hand is a bit of a manual process, where one takes a drawing or a schedule and tries to find the same data being represented in the COBie spreadsheet. Additionally, the values in a spreadsheet would need to be reviewed by humans to spot any anomalies and sense check cell values.

OK, let’s see how the above process may be improved. To be honest, it’s not rocket science – all we need to do is the following:

  • Make a COBie checker customizable to reflect client requirements
  • Make it available online, so the supply chain can self-verify as many times as they need and get the results in a clearly colour-coded manner
  • Provide access to the entire project team and track progress

In other words, it could be represented in a simple diagram below:

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If you’re wondering what ‘yBIM’ is, well it’s the name we gave to our online COBie checking platform.

Now let’s see how this platform slots into the existing process, where we have information managers and technical advisors on the project:

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As you can see it is pretty straightforward. The supply chain has a single point of reference for self-verification to client requirements. If you’re still wondering what the benefits are, here is a concise list:

  • Centralised and consistent COBie requirements
  • Structured and consistent feedback to the supply chain
  • Quick and transparent COBie compliance
  • Downloadable corrections report with supporting guidance.

I think it’s easier to show you how it works rather than try to explain the whole process. Follow and try it yourself for free!

While the solution automates verification (data structure against the standard), validation cannot be automated (at least not until AI takes over the world), thus you still need human interaction to fully check COBie deliverables.

Here are some other questions you may be wondering about:

–         Where do you see this solution providing the most benefit?

–         Well, as an example, try to imagine a client-specific framework COBie requirement – this platform could act as a submission platform for multiple projects at the same time.

–         Will it solve every problem presented by COBie?

–         No, but it will certainly assist the supply chain in getting quick and consistent feedback tailored to the project requirements.

–         Does it support every imaginable COBie workflow out there?

–         No, it was designed to do one thing very well – verify COBie online and provide easy to interpret results.

In a simplified diagram the whole COBie verification process is represented in the following figure:

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P.S. the article above represents my own views only.