COBie Foundation

This course is designed for everyone who is involved in delivering equipment data throughout the design, construction and operational stage of a building lifecycle.

COBie is a structured and machine testable information exchange that takes analogue process of O&M creation to the 21st century. While COBie is widely used in the UK and US, the principles of COBie 2.4 are implemented around the world.

Join the COBie revolution and reap the benefits of structured and machine readable data on all of your building projects!


Buy Now

1 day course includes:

  • 2h 45min on-demand videos
  • 55 questions
  • 15+ pages of reading material and additional resources
  • 5 consolidation sessions from the course creators
  • 2 (optional) software demonstrations
  • 1 certificate
  • Lifetime access once purchased

What you'll learn

  • COBie organisation
  • The use of classification in COBie
  • Underlying standards
  • COBie benefits
  • What is included in COBie
  • Relations between COBie objects
  • COBie usage at design stage
  • COBie usage at construciton stage

Module preview


  • Understanding of the basic construction process
  • Students should be from a building domain. COBie was designed for vertical assets only

Suitable for

  • Owners
  • Designers
  • Information Managers
  • Contractors
  • Specialist designers/ subcontracotrs
  • etc

Course Content

  • Module 0 - Intro

    • About this course

    • What is COBie?

      • ISO 16739-1:2020 Abstract
    • Formats

    • M0 Consolidation session

  • Module 1 - Describe the basis for COBie requirements

    • Recap

      • Quiz
    • Formats

      • Formats Explained
      • M1 Formats continued
      • Quiz
    • Standards

      • Quiz
    • M1 Consolidation session

  • Module 2 - Describe why COBie is needed

    • Value added / Non-value added activities

      • Quiz
    • Facility Owners/ Facility Managers

      • Quiz
    • Contractors

      • Ecodomus
      • Contractors continued
      • Quiz
    • Subcontractors

      • Quiz
    • Designers and consultants

      • Quiz
    • M2 Consolidation Session

  • Module 3 - Explain what is included in COBie

    • Project Types

      • Quiz
    • Elements to be included in COBie

      • Table 101
      • Table 102
    • Excluded entities

      • Inclusion list
      • Quiz
    • Classification

      • Omniclass
      • Uniclass
      • Classification tables
      • Note
      • Uniclass 2015
    • M3 Consolidation Session

  • Module 4 - Explain how COBie is organised

    • Spatial Hierarchy

      • ifcSpace
      • Spatial Hierarchy continued
      • Quiz
    • Component Hierarchy

      • Quiz
    • COBie Schematic Diagram

      • Quiz
    • COBie Data Sets

      • Quiz
    • Who is responsible for providing COBie

      • Quiz
    • Explain each element in all commonly used COBie data sets

      • Common COBie spreadsheet terms and definitions
      • Specific COBie spreadsheet terms and definitions
      • Contact
      • Facility
      • Floor
      • Space
      • Zone
      • Type
      • Component
      • System
      • Spare
      • Resource
      • Job
      • Document
      • Attribute
    • COBie Colours

      • Instructions worksheet
      • Quiz
    • Data Types and Keys

      • Data Types and Keys
      • Picklists
      • Data Types and Keys Continued
      • Quiz
    • COBie External Fields

      • Quiz
    • COBie Worksheets

      • COBie.Instruction
      • COBie.Contact
      • COBie.Facility
      • COBie.Floor
      • COBie.Space
      • COBie.Zone
      • COBie.Type
      • COBie.Component
      • COBie.System
      • COBie Schematic diagram – Design Summary / COBie.Spare
      • COBie.Resource
      • COBie.Job
      • COBie.Document
      • COBie.Attributes
      • Quiz
    • Other Worksheets

      • Quiz
    • Schematic Summary

      • Quiz
    • Minimum COBie?

    • M4 Consolidation Session

  • Module 5 - Explain the COBie process

    • Describe how owners may modify allowed COBie objects - specify COBie object properties and classification

      • Values that may be changed by the client
      • Note
    • Describe how owners may specify COBie relations and worksheet fields

      • Note
      • Download Responsibility Matrix
    • Explain the minimum content in COBie deliverables and the artefacts included in a complete COBie deliverable

    • Design Process

      • Quiz
    • Construction Process

    • Example

      • Springboard demo
    • COBie Innovations

      • Quiz
    • M5 Consolidation Session

Course description

The course is developed in line with the COBie standard and additional literature. Some of which are freely available online while other may require purchase. All of these resources will be referenced throughout the course should you wish to learn more about a specific topic.

The key learning objectives are based on the educational curriculum for the COBie Foundation level qualification published by buildingSMART international and are aligned to the skills at the Bloom’s Taxonomy levels of Knowledge and Comprehension or, in other words, Understanding and Remembering.
The course includes video as well as reading material. We will also use an ongoing assessment to gauge your understanding throughout the course.

This course should prepare you for the buildingSMART COBie Foundation exam which is a 30 minute test, if and when it is available, however, we encourage you to experiment with COBie yourself by trying different software tools, simply because it will provide you with an additional layer of understanding and confidence when testing your knowledge on the exam.

Delivered by


Vitalij Tetervov


Mark Hughes

Key facts

  • Designed to be completed in a day (including time for e-mails and coffee breaks)
  • 2h 45min on-demand videos
  • 2 (optional) software demonstrations
  • 55 questions
  • 15+ pages of reading material and additional resources
  • Transcripts
  • Certificate
  • Consolidation sessions from course creators
  • Lifetime access once purchased